Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Snap, A Set and A Song - Rain

Time once again to link up with Thea at A Snap, A Set and A Song for this week's theme of Rain. Why don't you join us?

The Snap

A few years ago, a friend from Australia came for a visit, and we happened to be in Florida during Spring Training and she wanted to see her first professional baseball game. My team happened to be in town playing the local team, so we went. Unfortunately when the game was in the second inning the rain came ...

Note: We did get to see my team play on Opening Day back in NY in their own major league stadium.

The Set

We recently had a bit of rain and wind here on Staten Island (and environs) called Hurricane Sandy. While it caused major destruction in the area, in my neighborhood we were very lucky. This is what it looked like the next morning.

The Song


  1. That photo is so funny. I wonder if it is who I think it is....

    Yes, you've had your fair share and more of rain lately!!

    Great song, we used to dance to that one at country dances!

    Thanks for another great SS&S. :)

  2. The first photo makes me feel like the person is suffocating! I know their face must be poking out there somewhere, but you can't quite see it! That's good that you didn't have any major Hurricane damage. The images are quite amazing.
