Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Richmond County Fair - 2012

Labor Day - the first Monday of September - is the unofficial end of summer here in the US, and time for the annual Richmond County Fair here on Staten Island. When people think of New York City, a traditional county fair is not something that immediately comes to mind, but Staten Island, although very much part of New York City, has one every Labor Day Weekend. Our county fair takes place each year at the historic Richmondtown restoration. Here are some shots from this year's fair. 

This is one of the sets built for the TV show Boardwalk Empire which was
filmed here at Historic Richmondtown.

The owner and operator of Ultimate Air Dogs is former major league pitcher Milt Wilcox.

Another Boardwalk Empire set

And another

Still another

What's a fair without a magician?


  1. Great photos! Looked like a fun day out.
    Can't wait for our 'show' tomorrow!! :)

    1. Hoping no rain for you. And Happy Birthday to the newly minted 5 and 8 year olds!

  2. What fun! Similar to our annual agricultural shows. Lovely photos, I could lie under one of those 'soda' barrels.

    1. That was actually one of the best things there. You bought your mug and then could refill it for the entire day.

  3. love local fairs … Sydney's Royal Easter Show is massive but they do have pigs similar to the doggies photographed here! xt

    1. There had always been pig races, but due to swine flu outbreaks, they weren't there this year. The dogs replaced them.
