Monday, September 12, 2011

Two final looks at 9/11

I had planned on ending this series of looks back at 9/11 on the 10th anniversary of the attacks with my own piece 10 Years which ran yesterday. But two posts on other blogs caught my eye and I felt needed to be presented with this series. So with that in mind, please allow me to introduce you to ...

... Jo, whom I have known for about a half dozen years now. She is, in her own words, a full time mum of 2 beautiful girls, wife of one (who'd want more than one?) and she also works in full time paid employment. What caught my eye about her blog post that made me feel the necessity to ask permission to link to it here is her final paragraph. (Note my comment to her post on her blog.) Here is her entry, September 11 - Ten Years On.

The second post is from Peter Bower. Peter is a writer and a photographer and was 17 years old when NYC was attacked. His account of that evening (for him) is told in his blog post, 9/12: An Australian’s Version of September 11.

I hope you have enjoyed this series of views from outside of the US, and hopefully it has brought us all closer together in remembering this tragic event.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mark, thanks for linking my blog entry. I am humbled that you have included my words. Thankyou for reading
