Monday, September 10, 2012

I Must Never Forget 9/11

I have repeated my story every year for the last 11 years. Partially because I want you to know what it was like for us New Yorkers, but mostly because I never want to forget how I felt on that day.

This is the second anniversary of the terror attack on my home town since Osama Bin Laden was killed. But we still have to keep remembering the day as if it were yesterday. We can't get comfortable or complacent again!

Last year was the tenth anniversary of that attack and the world focused on it once again. Today is the 11th anniversary - and we need to be as focused today as we were last year ... and we were 11 years ago!

I hope you read my story and take a moment to recall your thoughts on that day. You may not have personally known someone who was killed on that day as most New Yorkers do, but try to understand that over 2000 real flesh and blood people - who were not combatants but regular people - went to work and never returned to their homes and family. This day is not about steel and concrete, but flesh and blood.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of all those who lost their lives, their loved ones, friends and acquaintances who remain. xxxx
