Monday, December 31, 2012

Wishes for a New Year

As I write this, a good many of my friends have already seen the new year arrive. Many of us still have more than 12 hours to go.

What kind of year has it been for you?

It has been a year of major change here. It was my daughter and son-in-law's first full year as a married couple. My son and daughter-in-law have moved to another state. My grandsons have definitely become little boys - and all that goes with it.

My wife retired and now we have the time to do all the things that we always had planned on doing - including traveling at times when every family with school age children were also traveling.

We have literally weathered a storm - the strongest one in the history of the Northeast US. We made it through without too much inconvenience ... many can not say that. Many are still homeless.

New Years are a time to look ahead with hope. There is much I would like to see changed on many levels ... perhaps this will be the year some of that happens.

To all my friends, online or in real life - and the ones who have overlapped - let me take this time to wish you a very happy and healthy new year to you and your family and friends. I hope it will bring you all you want and more.

See you in 2013!

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